August is like spring in our art calender, an awakening after winter! The Constantiaberg Art Society (CAS) AGM, competitions and our SASA Annual Selection day for SASA Annual Exhibition 2011.
The latter was very nerve wracking! 458 art pieces from 163 artists brought before a panel of three proficient judges, Natalie Hircshmann (artist and teacher), Derric van Rensburg (watercolour, acryllic and abstract painter) and Andrew Lambrechts (University art lecturer).
It was a wonderful surprise to be honoured with a highly commended for 'On line', my risky oil painting of irises on a washing line with golden pegs! This was a big step of faith for me into intuitive painting, painting what the canvas suggests once one has textured it. I loved the process!
On line (oil) |
It all began after a wonderful two and a half day workshop in Hermanus with Shelley Adams. Its good to test the waters and stretch one's mind and talent!
And my 'Dash in the rain' pastel won a commended on the same selection day!
Dash in the rain (pastel) |
Thursday 25 August, was another good night at the SASA Annual Life and Landscape competition, winning a 3rd with a very busy painting of the bustle down at Kalkbay harbour, called 'Kalky's'. This was painted on site en plein air over two weeks. Sunshine on my back, seagulls calling, fishing boats coming in and out, a quayside full of freshly caught fish - two Red Snappers became a delicious dinner cooked by my husband Brian with champagne mustard sauce over it! The best! Fresh from the sea!
Kalky's (oil) |
At a different art society, at the CAS AGM on 30 August, I won a gold (1st) for the oil category. The topic was 'Blue' with orchids in blue vase.
It was a good month indeed!